Tauranga的市长,奥运金牌得主Mahé Drysdale, 带领当地筹资和透明度挑战。 Tauranga's mayor, Olympic gold medalist Mahé Drysdale, navigates local funding and transparency challenges.
奥林匹克金牌获得者、新西兰Tauranga市长Mahé Drysdale在任职的最初几个月反省。 Mahé Drysdale, the Olympic gold medalist and mayor of Tauranga, New Zealand, reflects on his early months in office. 他领导的理事会否决了拟议的基础设施筹资税,选择通过地方政府筹资机构寻求资金。 His council rejected a proposed infrastructure funding levy, opting instead to seek funding through the Local Government Financing Agency. 他们还因出售一个海区而遭到批评。 They also faced criticism over the sale of a marine precinct. Drysdale强调,需要更好的社区参与和透明度。 Drysdale emphasizes the need for better community engagement and transparency. 尽管目前住在100公里之外,他仍计划在2025学年之前迁往陶兰加。 Despite currently living 100km away, he plans to move to Tauranga before the 2025 school year.