塞内加尔工匠在达喀尔Biennale首演, 在“河马”周围展示传统手工艺。 Senegalese artisans debut at Dakar Biennale, showcasing traditional crafts themed around "hippos."
来自Soumbedioune手工艺市场的塞内加尔工匠首次参加非洲当代艺术达喀尔Biennale活动, Senegalese artisans from the Soumbedioune crafts market participated in the Dakar Biennale of Contemporary African Arts for the first time, showcasing their work themed around "hippos." 传统上,工匠对塞内加尔文化至关重要,由于进口价格低廉,他们的作用下降。 Traditionally central to Senegalese culture, artisans have seen their roles decline due to cheaper imports. 今年的Biennale,他们称为“觉醒”,旨在促进当地手工艺和自力更生,鼓励人们摆脱殖民主义的影响。 This year's Biennale, themed "The Wake," aims to promote local craftsmanship and self-reliance, encouraging a move away from colonial influences. 将手工艺者纳入这一活动受到了好评,其目的是弥合传统手工艺与现代艺术之间的差距。 The inclusion of artisans in the event has been well-received and aims to bridge the gap between traditional crafts and modern art.