PBGC接管圣约瑟夫保健服务机构资金不足的养恤金计划,为2 500名退休人员争取福利。 PBGC takes over St. Joseph Health Services' underfunded pension plan, securing benefits for 2,500 retirees.
养恤金保障公司将控制罗德岛退休计划供资不足的圣约瑟夫保健服务公司,覆盖约2 500名当前和未来的退休人员。 The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) will assume control of the underfunded St. Joseph Health Services of Rhode Island Retirement Plan, covering about 2,500 current and future retirees. 该计划有资产4 700万美元和负债1.35亿美元,在医院2014年停止运作后资金不足。 The plan, with $47 million in assets and $135 million in liabilities, became underfunded after the hospital ceased operations in 2014. 美国国税局在2017年宣布该计划符合税收条件后,PBGC参与了此事. The PBGC's involvement follows the IRS declaring the plan tax-qualified in 2017. 目前的退休人员将继续享受福利,而未来的退休人员在符合资格时可以提出申请。 Current retirees will continue to receive benefits, while future retirees can apply upon eligibility. 这一举动结束了养老金持有者十年的不确定性。 This move ends a decade of uncertainty for the pension holders.