900多名内布拉斯加州工人可以通过新的在线工具收回360,000多美元的未支付工资。 Over 900 Nebraska workers can reclaim over $360,000 in unpaid wages through a new online tool.
据美国劳工部统计,900多名内布拉斯加州工人拖欠了360,000多美元的未支付工资。 Over 900 Nebraska workers are owed more than $360,000 in unpaid wages, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. 工资和小时司已经收回了这些资金,可通过其工人拥有的工资(WOW)在线工具以英语和西班牙语索回。 The Wage and Hour Division has recovered these funds, which can be claimed through their Workers Owed Wages (WOW) online tool available in English and Spanish. 如果在三年内未申报,资金将交给美国国库。 If unclaimed within three years, the funds go to the U.S. Treasury. 工人可以使用该工具或与部门联系,检查其资格并索取所欠工资。 Workers can check their eligibility and claim their owed wages by using the tool or contacting the department.