挪威将按揭贷款限额提高到90%,目的是促进住房建设和可负担性。 Norway raises mortgage loan limit to 90%, aiming to boost home construction and affordability.
挪威将贷款到价值按揭的限额从85%提高到90%, 使借款人只需预付10%的股本, 而不是15%。 Norway has increased its loan-to-value mortgage limit from 85% to 90%, allowing borrowers to need only 10% equity upfront instead of 15%. 财政部长Trygve Slagsvold Vedum指出,改革的目的是促进新的住房建设,使人们更容易进入住房市场。 Finance Minister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum stated the change aims to boost new home construction and make it easier for people to enter the housing market. 最初的限制是在2015年实施的,目的是防止住房泡沫和保护经济。 The original restriction, implemented in 2015, was meant to prevent a housing bubble and protect the economy.