缅甸反叛团体MNDAA呼吁在中国调解下举行会谈,以结束战斗并寻求自治。 Myanmar's rebel group MNDAA calls for China-mediated talks to end fighting and seek autonomy.
缅甸国家民主联盟军 (MNDAA) 是一个拥有约8000名战士的反叛组织, 呼吁中国与缅甸军政府进行谈判, The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), a rebel group with around 8,000 fighters, has called for China-mediated talks with Myanmar's military junta to end over a year of fighting. MNDAA寻求掸邦北部的哥冈少数民族的自治。 The MNDAA seeks autonomy for the Kokang ethnic minority in northern Shan state. 他们已提议停火,并愿意派遣一个高级别代表团进行对话。 They have proposed a ceasefire and are willing to send a high-level delegation for dialogue. 作为军政府的盟友,中国呼吁停止战斗。 China, an ally of the junta, has called for the fighting to stop.