缅甸的TNLA叛军提议与军政府对话, 受中国的压力影响。 Myanmar's TNLA rebels offer to talk with the military junta, influenced by China's pressure.
缅甸的Ta'ang民族解放军(TNLA)愿意在缅甸-中国边境长达一年的战斗之后,与缅甸军政府举行会谈。 Myanmar's Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) is willing to hold talks with the country's military junta after a year of fighting along the Myanmar-China border. 这一决定是当中国在缅甸军事恶化的同时向叛军施加压力时作出的。 The decision comes as China pressures the rebels amid Myanmar's military deterioration. TNLA是称为“1027行动”的协调攻势的一部分,曾于1月与军方达成停火,但战斗在6月又恢复。 The TNLA, part of a coordinated offensive called "Operation 1027," previously reached a ceasefire with the military in January, but fighting resumed in June. 该集团寻求停止北掸邦的空袭,并肯定中国的调解努力。 The group seeks to halt air strikes in northern Shan State and acknowledges China's mediation efforts.