在CNBC峰会上,Infosys共同创始人Narayana Murthy敦促延长工作时间,并将工作时间与印度的进步联系起来。 Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy urges longer work hours, linking it to India's progress, at CNBC summit.
Infosys共同创始人Narayana Murthy在CNBC全球领袖峰会上发言,强调辛勤工作对于印度的进步至关重要。 Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy spoke at the CNBC Global Leadership Summit, emphasizing that hard work is essential for India's progress. 他对1986年改为每周工作五天表示失望,并为他反对工作与生活平衡的立场辩护,主张每周工作70小时。 He expressed disappointment with the shift to a five-day workweek in 1986 and defended his stance against work-life balance, advocating for a 70-hour workweek. Murthy强调他自己的献身精神,每周工作6天半,每天14小时,认为牺牲是国家发展的必要条件。 Murthy highlighted his own dedication, working 14-hour days for six and a half days a week, and argued that sacrifice is necessary for national development.