印度最高法院审查先前限制高等法院在煤炭诈骗上诉中作用的命令。 India's Supreme Court to review previous orders limiting high courts' role in coal scam appeals.
印度最高法院正在重新考虑其过去限制高等法院审理煤炭诈骗案上诉的命令,目的是简化审判程序。 The Supreme Court of India is reconsidering its past orders that restricted high courts from hearing appeals in coal scam cases, aiming to streamline trials. 2014-2017年的命令仅限制向最高法院提出的上诉,但新的抗辩认为德里高等法院应当处理这些上诉。 Orders from 2014-2017 limited appeals to the Supreme Court only, but new pleas argue the Delhi High Court should handle these appeals. 法院将在2025年初审查这一事项。 The court will review the matter in early 2025.