医生们警告不要在那些由于心脏病风险而患冠动脉疾病的人中使用安德罗尔(Adderall)。 Doctors warn against Adderall use in those with coronary artery disease due to heart risks.
一篇新文章警告,由于心脏病发作和死亡的风险可能增加,患有冠状动脉疾病的人不得使用Anderall(ADHD药物)。 A new article warns against using Adderall, a medication for ADHD, in individuals with coronary artery disease due to potential increased risks of heart attack and death. 对于一名72岁患有非阻塞性冠动脉疾病的妇女,Roach医生建议咨询一名医生,并考虑使用更安全的替代品,如氯硝胺酮或guanfacine。 For a 72-year-old woman with non-obstructive coronary artery disease, Dr. Roach recommends consulting a doctor and considering safer alternatives like clonidine or guanfacine. 此外,文章针对的是低血钠的一对夫妇,表示他们的高血压药物,包括三氯丁二烯和抗逆转录病毒药物,可能引发这一问题,并建议他们与其保健提供者讨论可能的改变。 Additionally, the article addresses a couple with low blood sodium, suggesting that their medications for hypertension, including clonidine and ARBs, may be causing the issue and advising them to discuss potential changes with their healthcare provider.