54% 的派对吸毒者在没有处方的情况下滥用 ADHD 药物,达到 2007 年以来的最高水平。 54% of party drug users misuse ADHD medications without prescriptions, reaching the highest level since 2007.
新南威尔士大学悉尼分校国家药物和酒精研究中心 2024 年的一份报告显示,54% 使用摇头丸等派对药物的人也在没有处方的情况下滥用 ADHD 药物。 A 2024 report from UNSW Sydney's National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre reveals that 54% of individuals who use party drugs, like ecstasy, also misuse ADHD medications without a prescription. 这一数字是2007年开始跟踪以来的最高水平。 This figure marks the highest level since tracking began in 2007. 这项研究对740人进行了调查,结果表明,甲基苯甲酯和苯丙胺等兴奋剂的非处方使用量增加了两倍,使人们对潜在的健康风险,包括心脏问题感到关切。 The study, surveying 740 people, indicates that non-prescribed use of stimulants such as methylphenidate and dexamphetamine has tripled, raising concerns about potential health risks, including cardiac issues.