亚历克斯·马辛斯基 (Alex Mashinsky) 承认在加密公司 Celsius 倒闭中的欺诈行为。 Alex Mashinsky pleads guilty to fraud in the collapse of crypto firm Celsius.
网络的创始人亚历克斯·马希斯基 (Alex Mashinsky) 已承认两项欺诈罪, Alex Mashinsky, founder of Celsius Network, has pleaded guilty to two counts of fraud, admitting to misleading customers and inflating the value of the company's crypto token. Mashinsky最初因7项罪名被起诉,包括操纵市场,被控向客户提供虚假信息。 Initially indicted on seven counts, including market manipulation, Mashinsky faced allegations of providing false information to customers. 由于加密货币市场的衰退和流动性问题, 塞尔西斯于2022年申请破产. Celsius filed for bankruptcy in 2022 following a crypto market downturn and liquidity issues.