Ahold Delhaize收购了13亿欧元的罗马尼亚零售商Profi,经商店撤资有条件批准。 Ahold Delhaize's €1.3 billion acquisition of Romanian retailer Profi conditionally approved with store divestments.
罗马尼亚竞争理事会有条件地批准Ahold Delhaize收购Profi, Profi是罗马尼亚主要食品零售商,年销售额为1751个商店和27亿欧元。 The Romanian Competition Council has conditionally approved Ahold Delhaize's acquisition of Profi, a major Romanian food retailer with 1,751 stores and €2.7 billion in annual sales. 为解决竞争问题,Ahold Delhaize将撤走重叠地区的87家商店,并维持供应商的商业条件。 To address competition concerns, Ahold Delhaize will divest 87 stores in overlapping areas and maintain commercial terms for suppliers. 这笔价值13亿欧元的交易预计将在2025年1月结束,这将加强Ahold Delhaize在罗马尼亚城市和农村地区的存在。 The deal, valued at €1.3 billion, is expected to close in January 2025, enhancing Ahold Delhaize's presence in both urban and rural areas in Romania.