华盛顿学校引进售书机,奖励并鼓励学生阅读。 Washington schools introduce book vending machines to reward and encourage student reading.
华盛顿州两所小学安装了售书机, 以提升学生阅读热情。 Two elementary schools in Washington state have installed book vending machines to boost student reading enthusiasm. 在Richland的Wiley小学,学生们为展示核心价值而获得PBI分数,这些价值可以交易成金牌,以获得一本书。 At Wiley Elementary in Richland, students earn PBI points for demonstrating core values, which can be traded for golden tokens to get a book. 在帕斯科的哥伦比亚河小学使用类似的机器,学生为达到阅读里程碑而领取象征性品。 Columbia River Elementary in Pasco uses a similar machine where students earn tokens for reaching reading milestones. 两者的目的都是为了将书籍放在每个学生手中,并接受捐款作为额外库存。 Both aim to put books in every student's hands, with donations accepted for additional stock.