拉斯维加斯克拉克县图书馆区在日出儿童医院安装了一台自动售书机,提供英语和西班牙语书籍,并可在 21 天内借阅。 Las Vegas-Clark County Library District installed a book vending machine at Sunrise Children's Hospital offering English and Spanish books with 21-day check-outs.
拉斯维加斯-克拉克县图书馆区在日出儿童医院安装了一台新的图书自动售货机,即“日出儿童医院图书馆”。 The Las Vegas-Clark County Library District has installed a new book vending machine, the "Library at Sunrise Children's Hospital," at Sunrise Children's Hospital. 该机器为患者、工作人员和社区提供 235 本英语和西班牙语书籍,并有 21 天的借阅期。 The machine provides patients, staff, and the community with access to 235 English and Spanish language books and operates with a 21-day check-out period. 该计划旨在将图书馆服务直接带给人们,并为住院的儿童和家庭提供精彩的故事。 The initiative aims to bring library services directly to people and provide hospitalized children and families with access to great stories.