18 岁的悉尼·毛洪 (Sydney Maughon) 因在争执中杀死 22 岁的乔纳森·吉尔伯特 (Jonathan Gilbert) 而被判处无期徒刑。 Sydney Maughon, 18, sentenced to life for killing Jonathan Gilbert, 22, during a dispute.
18 岁的悉尼·毛洪 (Sydney Maughon) 因谋杀 22 岁的乔纳森·吉尔伯特 (Jonathan Gilbert) 而被判处终身监禁,30 年后可假释。 Sydney Maughon, 18, was sentenced to life in prison with parole possible after 30 years for the murder of Jonathan Gilbert, 22. 这起事件发生在一次 “情人争吵 ”期间,当时 Maughon 和另外两个人去怂恿一个家并与另一个女人对峙。 The incident occurred during a "lover's quarrel" when Maughon and two others went to egg a home and confront another woman. 吉尔伯特与这群人对峙,毛洪向他开了两枪,导致他死亡。 Gilbert confronted the group, and Maughon shot him twice, leading to his death. 这群人逃跑了,留下吉尔伯特,去上班了,然后被捕。 The group fled, leaving Gilbert, and went to work before being arrested.