研究发现大脑灵长类动物的肠道微生物 产生更多的能量 有可能帮助大脑进化 Study finds gut microbes from large-brained primates produce more energy, potentially aiding brain evolution.
一项新的研究表明,肠道微生物通过生产更多的能量,在大型人类大脑的进化中可能发挥了关键作用。 A new study suggests that gut microbes may have played a key role in the evolution of large human brains by producing more energy. 研究人员发现,人类和松鼠猴子等大型灵长类动物的微生物有助于产生更多的能量,而那些来自较小型的人类物种的微生物则将更多的能量储存成脂肪。 Researchers found that microbes from large-brained primates, such as humans and squirrel monkeys, helped produce more energy, while those from smaller-brained species stored more energy as fat. 随着时间推移,这种能源生产的增加可能促进了更大大脑的发展。 This increased energy production may have facilitated the development of larger brains over time.