斯利那加的抗争者要求改善残疾人福利, 将世界残疾人日标为“黑日”。 Protesters in Srinagar demand better welfare for disabled, marking World Disability Day as a "black day."
查谟和克什米尔残疾人协会 (JKHA) 在斯利那加举行了抗议活动,将世界残疾人日标记为“黑色日”。 The Jammu and Kashmir Handicapped Association (JKHA) staged a protest in Srinagar, marking World Disability Day as a "black day." 抗议者要求为残疾人社区提供更好的福利,包括提高养老金、低息贷款、保留职位以及社会经济发展咨询委员会。 Protesters demanded better welfare for the disabled community, including higher pensions, low-interest loans, job reservations, and an advisory board for socio-economic development. 他们呼吁根据2016年《残疾法》落实这些措施。 They called for these measures to be implemented under the Disability Act, 2016.