巴基斯坦努力达到货币基金组织的方案目标,采取严格措施争取贷款。 Pakistan struggles to meet IMF program targets, implements strict measures to secure loan.
巴基斯坦政府未能达到货币基金组织方案的若干关键目标,包括税收以及教育和卫生开支。 Pakistan's government has fallen short on several key targets under its IMF program, including tax revenue and spending on education and health. 尽管存在这些挑战,政府仍在采取严格措施,例如公务员必须披露资产,以确保获得11亿美元的货币基金组织贷款。 Despite these challenges, the government is implementing strict measures, such as mandatory asset disclosures by civil servants, to secure a $1.1 billion IMF loan tranche. 货币基金组织规定了39项条件,包括财政目标以及能源和税收改革,若干基准尚待确定。 The IMF has set 39 conditions, including fiscal targets and reforms in energy and taxation, with several benchmarks still pending. 财政部长Muhammad Aurangzeb强调必须紧急进行改革,并着重指出与世界银行建立10年伙伴关系的计划,以解决经济稳定和增长问题。 Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb emphasized the need for urgent reforms and highlighted plans for a 10-year partnership with the World Bank to address economic stability and growth.