巴基斯坦和伊朗承诺在区域增长和互联互通方面加强合作。 Pakistan and Iran pledge to enhance cooperation on regional growth and connectivity.
巴基斯坦副总理兼外交部长穆罕默德·伊沙克·达尔与伊朗外交部长阿巴斯·阿拉格奇在马什哈德会晤后,巴基斯坦和伊朗已同意加强所有领域的合作。 Pakistan and Iran have agreed to strengthen cooperation across all areas following a meeting between Pakistani Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Muhammad Ishaq Dar and Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Aragchi in Mashhad. 这次会议在经济合作组织(经合组织)部长理事会期间举行,讨论了相互利益和全球事态发展,达尔强调区域连通性和简化边界程序对促进增长的重要性。 The meeting, which took place during the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Council of Ministers, covered mutual interests and global developments, with Dar emphasizing the importance of regional connectivity and simplified border procedures to boost growth.