母亲在内部调查后被捕,因威胁学校官员而面临人身攻击指控。 Mother arrested, faces assault charges for threatening school officials after internal investigation.
路易斯安那州Ville Platte的一位34岁母亲Vashayla Skinner被捕,在对针对该教师的投诉进行内部调查后,据称威胁一名教师和助理督导员,因此面临两起攻击指控。 A 34-year-old mother from Ville Platte, Louisiana, Vashayla Skinner, has been arrested and faces two assault charges after allegedly threatening a teacher and the assistant superintendent following an internal investigation into complaints against the teacher. 她的保证金定为1,500美元。 Her bond was set at $1,500.