男子因在康涅狄格州 I-91 上以 122 英里/小时的速度超速而被捕,他更换车牌以逃避警察。 Man arrested for speeding 122 mph on I-91 in Connecticut, switching license plates to evade police.
来自Waterbury的53岁男子Kendrick Amaker被捕,因为他在康涅狄格州Wallingford I-91号公路驾驶122 mph时被捕。 A 53-year-old man from Waterbury, Kendrick Amaker, was arrested after he was caught driving 122 mph on I-91 in Wallingford, Connecticut. Amaker试图通过超速和调换他的车牌逃避警察。 Initially spotted at 98 mph, Amaker tried to evade police by speeding and switching his license plate. 在他家中发现了一个佛罗里达州的车牌,他承认了这一转变。 Found at his home with a Florida plate, he admitted to the switch. Amaker面临鲁莽驾驶、被停职、逃避警察以及干扰警察的指控。 Amaker faces charges for reckless driving, operating under suspension, evading police, and interfering with an officer. 他被安排在Meriden高等法院出庭。 He was set to appear in Meriden Superior Court.