他在康涅狄格州I -91超速126英里后,因鲁莽驾驶而被捕。 Man arrested for reckless driving after speeding at 126 mph on I-91 in Connecticut.
一名来自西黑文的24岁男子在康涅狄格州北黑文的91号州际公路上以每小时126公里的速度开车后被捕. A 24-year-old man from West Haven was arrested after driving 126 mph on Interstate 91 in North Haven, Connecticut. 州警察试图因超速而拦住他,但他加速了速度,几乎造成了事故。 State police tried to pull him over for speeding, but he accelerated and nearly caused accidents. 由于安全原因停止了追逐,他后来承认了这些行动。 The pursuit was halted for safety reasons, and he later admitted to the actions. 他面临包括鲁莽驾驶和危险在内的指控,并定于12月20日出庭,押金为10 000美元。 He faces charges including reckless driving and endangerment and is set to appear in court on December 20, with a $10,000 bond.