IPC在下一年获准回购6.2%的股份。 IPC gets approval to buy back up to 6.2% of its shares over the next year.
国际石油公司(石油公司)得到多伦多证券交易所的批准,延长正常的发货商出价,允许该公司在今后12个月内回购7 465 356份共同股份。 International Petroleum Corporation (IPC) received approval from the Toronto Stock Exchange to renew its normal course issuer bid, allowing the company to buy back up to 7,465,356 of its common shares over the next 12 months. 这占公司未清股份的6.2%左右。 This represents about 6.2% of the company's outstanding shares. 可在TSX和Nasdaq Stockholm执行回购,并设定每日限制以确保市场稳定。 The buyback can be executed on the TSX and Nasdaq Stockholm, with daily limits set to ensure market stability.