大雪造成纽约谷仓倒塌,导致5头奶牛死亡,另有大约100头牛被困。 Heavy snow caused a barn collapse in New York, killing five cows and trapping about 100 others.
纽约Chautauqua县的一个谷仓在大雪下倒塌,造成5头奶牛死亡,另有约100头牛被困。 A barn in Chautauqua County, New York, collapsed under heavy snowfall, killing five cows and trapping about 100 others. 紧急救援人员为解救被困牲畜而工作,一名消防员受轻伤。 Emergency crews worked to free the trapped livestock, with one firefighter sustaining minor injuries. 事件凸显了大雪的风险,促使当地农民检查他们的谷仓条件。 The incident highlights the risks of heavy snowfall, prompting local farmers to check their barns' conditions.