Craig Willis因过失杀人被判25年徒刑, 罪名是杀害前警官Ryan Hord, Craig Willis is sentenced to 25 years for manslaughter after killing ex-police officer Ryan Hord in a 2020 car break-in.
Craig Willis因2020年杀害前Baton Rouge警官Ryan Hord而被判处25年徒刑。 Craig Willis has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for the manslaughter of former Baton Rouge police officer Ryan Hord in 2020. 事件发生时,Willis闯入Hord的车辆,导致交火,造成Hord死亡。 The incident occurred when Willis broke into Hord's vehicle, leading to an exchange of gunfire that resulted in Hord's death. 霍德的母亲要求最高刑罚,而威利斯也被判入室盗窃罪和持有火器的重罪。 Hord's mother requested the maximum sentence, while Willis was also convicted of burglary and being a felon in possession of a firearm.