快递员在交付过程中被罗特威尔犬伤害; 在布里里利山事件中逮捕了三人. Courier injured by Rottweilers during delivery; three people arrested in Brierley Hill incident.
在Brierley Hill交付货物时,一名信使被两名疑为罗特韦勒人的人严重打伤。 A courier was seriously injured by two suspected Rottweilers while making deliveries in Brierley Hill. 该名妇女手臂和腿部受伤,并被带到伯明翰伊丽莎白女王医院。 The woman suffered arm and leg injuries and was taken to Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital. 三人因涉嫌拥有或掌管危险失控狗而被捕。 Three people were arrested on suspicion of owning or being in charge of dangerously out of control dogs. 随着调查的继续,这些狗被扣押,并被安放在安全的狗窝里。 The dogs were seized and placed in secure kennels as the investigation continues. 信使公司Evri对信使的康复表示关切。 Evri, the courier company, expressed concern for the courier's recovery.