国会提出两党法案,研究人工智能对银行和住房部门的影响. Congress introduces bipartisan bills to study AI's impact on banking and housing sectors.
McHenry和Waters代表提出两党法案,委托联邦机构研究在银行和住房部门使用人工智能的问题。 Representatives McHenry and Waters have introduced bipartisan bills that will commission federal agencies to study the use of AI in banking and housing sectors. 研究的重点将放在AI如何影响财产估价、贷款承保和数据隐私等方面。 The studies will focus on how AI affects property valuations, loan underwriting, and data privacy, among other areas. 这些法案旨在解决算法定价等潜在风险,同时也承认大赦国际的好处。 The bills aim to address potential risks like algorithmic price fixing while also recognizing AI's benefits. 众议院金融服务委员会将于星期三举行听证会,讨论金融服务的创新问题。 The House Financial Services Committee will hold a hearing on Wednesday to discuss innovation in financial services.