印度成立了AI道德委员会,指导金融部门使用人工智能。 India forms AI ethics committee to guide financial sector's use of artificial intelligence.
印度储备银行已成立一个由八名成员组成的委员会,为金融部门在道德上使用大赦国际建立一个框架。 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has formed an eight-member committee to establish a framework for the ethical use of AI in the financial sector. 该委员会由IIT Bombay的Pushpak Bhattacharyya牵头,将评估AI的通过情况,审查全球条例,查明风险,并建议金融机构遵守准则。 Led by IIT Bombay's Pushpak Bhattacharyya, the committee will assess AI adoption, review global regulations, identify risks, and recommend compliance guidelines for financial institutions. 该小组的目标是在第一次会议后六个月内提交报告。 The panel aims to submit its report within six months of its first meeting.