海岸警卫队搜寻失踪船只MARTY ANN及其三名乘客,最后一次见到他们是在Pelican湾。 Coast Guard searches for missing boat MARTY ANN and its three occupants last seen in Pelican Bay.
美国海岸警卫队正在寻找失踪的20英尺长的船只MARTY ANN及其三个乘客——Sam Wooley、Michael Slezak和Hunter Slezak——他们最后在Pelican湾被发现捕虾。 The U.S. Coast Guard is searching for the missing 20-foot boat, MARTY ANN, and its three occupants—Sam Wooley, Michael Slezak, and Hunter Slezak—who were last seen shrimping in Pelican Bay. 该船从Dauphin岛的Billy Goat Hole出发,此后一直无人看到。 The boat departed from Billy Goat Hole, Dauphin Island, and has not been seen since. 海岸警卫队正在敦促公众与833-662-8724号移动区指挥部联系,提供任何信息。 The Coast Guard is urging the public to contact Mobile Sector Command at 833-662-8724 with any information.