美国妇女因在德国自卫时意外刺杀一名男子而面临长达10年的监禁。 American woman faces up to ten years for accidentally stabbing a man to death in self-defense in Germany.
一名20岁的美国女性在德国Kaiserslautern意外刺伤一名64岁男子致死后, 面临长达10年的监禁。 A 20-year-old American woman faces up to ten years in prison after accidentally stabbing a 64-year-old man to death in Kaiserslautern, Germany. 事件发生在男子围攻她之后,导致挣扎。 The incident occurred after the man groped her, leading to a struggle. 她声称自卫,但检察官称她的行动没有正当理由。 She claims self-defense, but prosecutors argue her actions were not justified. 该妇女已被释放,等待青年法院决定是否接受指控。 The woman has been released and awaits the youth court's decision on whether to accept the charge.