女演员克里·华盛顿获得好莱坞名人之行的明星 完成一个长期的梦想 Actress Kerry Washington gets star on Hollywood Walk of Fame, fulfilling a longtime dream.
Kerry Washington女演员在好莱坞名人漫步获得一星,标志着她职业生涯中的一个重要里程碑。 Actress Kerry Washington received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, marking a significant milestone in her career. 仪式庆祝她对娱乐的贡献,实现她父亲为她所做的梦想。 The ceremony celebrated her contributions to entertainment, fulfilling a dream her father had for her. 以「史坎达尔」与「塞玛」的角色而闻名的华盛顿对荣誉表示感激, 强调她的旅程及她所得到的支持。 Washington, known for roles in "Scandal" and "Selma," expressed gratitude for the honor, emphasizing her journey and the support she has received.