Emmy获奖演员Courtney B. Vance 于2024年在好莱坞名人之行上 接受一个明星 Emmy-winning actor Courtney B. Vance to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2024.
Emmy获奖演员Courtney B. Vance在Jennifer Hudson秀上讨论了他即将到来的好莱坞名人漫步明星。 Emmy-winning actor Courtney B. Vance discussed his upcoming Hollywood Walk of Fame star on The Jennifer Hudson Show. Vance的妻子Angela Bassett在2007年接受了她的明星, Vance将加入2024-2025年的班级, 加入Nia Long、Bill Duke、Sherri Shepherd、Fantasia、Colin Farrell和Jane Fonda等明星的行列。 Vance, whose wife Angela Bassett received her star in 2007, will join the 2024-2025 class alongside stars like Nia Long, Bill Duke, Sherri Shepherd, Fantasia, Colin Farrell, and Jane Fonda. 确切的仪式日期尚未排定,但通常在活动前10天宣布。 The exact ceremony date is yet to be scheduled, but announcements are typically made 10 days before the event.