育空地区社会工作者因阴谋论而失去不列颠哥伦比亚的注册登记,这凸显了监管方面的差距。 Yukon social worker loses BC registration over conspiracy theories, highlighting regulation gaps.
育空地区一名社会工作者Debbra Greig因赞同阴谋论而暂时丧失了在不列颠哥伦比亚省的登记,这突出表明育空地区缺乏对社会工作者的监管。 A Yukon social worker, Debbra Greig, temporarily lost her registration in British Columbia for endorsing conspiracy theories, highlighting the lack of regulation for social workers in Yukon. 她的行动引起了对她的能力和道德的担忧,特别是她可能参与寄宿学校幸存者方案的问题。 Her actions raised concerns about her competence and ethics, especially regarding her potential involvement in programs for residential school survivors. 本案凸显了专业监管对维持信任和防止不当行为的重要性。 This case underscores the importance of professional regulation to maintain trust and prevent misconduct.