根据一项新的调查,澳大利亚妇女面临严重的医疗偏见,导致健康结果更差。 Women in Australia face significant medical bias, leading to worse health outcomes, according to a new survey.
医疗厌恶症是医疗保健中的一种性别偏见,对澳大利亚妇女影响很大。 Medical misogyny, a form of gender bias in healthcare, significantly affects women in Australia. 对3 000名妇女、照顾者和专家的调查发现,三分之二的妇女有偏见。 A survey of 3,000 women, caregivers, and experts found that two-thirds have experienced bias. 妇女面临诊断错误、治疗迟缓以及更糟糕的结果,例如心脏病发作,接受的必要检查较少,死亡率是男子的两倍。 Women face misdiagnoses, delayed treatments, and worse outcomes, such as in heart attacks, where they receive fewer necessary tests and die at twice the rate of men. 政府正在通过全国妇女保健咨询理事会解决这一问题,目的是更新保健战略,改善妇女保健成果。 The government is addressing this through the National Women’s Health Advisory Council, aiming to update healthcare strategies and improve women’s health outcomes.