VPDhankhar敦促印度在计划前往德里的抗议游行中迅速解决农民问题。 VP Dhankhar urges swift resolution to farmers' issues in India amid planned protest march to Delhi.
Jagdeep Dhankhar副总统敦促印度迅速解决农民问题,强调他们对印度的进步和到2047年成为发达国家的目标感到满意的重要性。 Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar urged for quick resolution of farmers' issues in India, emphasizing the importance of their satisfaction for the country's progress and goal to become a developed nation by 2047. 他呼吁公开讨论,并赞扬农业部长与农民接触。 He called for open discussions and praised the Agriculture Minister for engaging with farmers. 来自旁遮普邦的农民在抗议数月后计划向德里举行抗议游行, This comes as farmers from Punjab plan a protest march towards Delhi, following months of protests.