美国国务卿布林肯(Blinken)在布鲁塞尔出席北约会议, 重点是乌克兰在拜登-特朗普(Biden-Trump)政策对比中的支持。 U.S. Secretary Blinken attends NATO meeting in Brussels, focusing on Ukraine support amid Biden-Trump policy contrast.
美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯正在参加布鲁塞尔拜登行政当局最后一次北约会议,重点是支持乌克兰反对俄罗斯入侵。 U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is attending the final NATO meeting of the Biden administration in Brussels, focusing on supporting Ukraine against Russia's invasion. 会议还将讨论深化北约与南部伙伴的合作问题,并为今后的首脑会议做准备。 The meeting will also address deepening NATO cooperation with southern partners and prepare for future summits. 拜登增加了对乌克兰的武器援助,而当选总统特朗普则对继续支助表示怀疑。 Biden has increased weapons aid to Ukraine, while President-elect Trump is skeptical of continued support. 在北约会议之后,布林肯将出席欧安组织在马耳他举行的一次会议,讨论乌克兰和其他区域面临的挑战。 After the NATO meeting, Blinken will attend an OSCE meeting in Malta, discussing challenges in Ukraine and other regions.