Shetland警察在Lerwick渡轮码头逮捕了一名携带价值超过125 000英镑毒品的男子。 Shetland police arrested a man with over £125,000 worth of drugs at the Lerwick ferry terminal.
Shetland的警察在Lerwick渡口码头发现价值超过125 000英镑的毒品,包括1.3公斤海洛因和512克可卡因,之后逮捕了一名44岁的男子。 Police in Shetland arrested a 44-year-old man after finding over £125,000 worth of drugs, including 1.3 kg of heroin and 512 grams of cocaine, at the Lerwick ferry terminal. 疑犯将在星期一通过视频连线在因弗内斯治安法院出庭。 The suspect will appear in Inverness Sheriff Court via video link on Monday. Calum Reid警探强调了警方对扰乱社区毒品活动的承诺,并敦促公众报告任何信息。 Detective Inspector Calum Reid highlighted the police's commitment to disrupting drug activity in the community and urged the public to report any information.