房地产经纪人在明尼苏达州Rushford发现有秘密房间的地下铁路安全屋。 Realtors discover suspected Underground Railroad safe house with secret rooms in Rushford, Minnesota.
1867年在明尼苏达州Rushford建造的一座优雅的石屋被怀疑是地下铁路上的安全屋。 An elegant stone home in Rushford, Minnesota, built in 1867, is suspected to be a safe house on the Underground Railroad. 房客Abbie和Matt Loos在家中发现了秘密房间,表明他们可能庇护了逃离的奴隶。 Realtors Abbie and Matt Loos discovered secret rooms in the home, indicating it may have sheltered escaped slaves. Rushford离密西西比河很近,而密西西比河曾被用来将奴隶运送到加拿大自由之路,这凸显了它在网络中的作用。 Rushford's proximity to the Mississippi River, which was used to transport slaves to freedom in Canada, underscores its role in the network. 这所房屋现售价235 000美元, 凸显了该镇废除死刑的历史及其对反奴隶制事业的承诺。 The home, now on sale for $235,000, highlights the town's abolitionist history and its commitment to anti-slavery causes.