Pompano Beach的警察在Avondale车道附近发现一具尸体后进行调查;据报有枪声。 Police in Pompano Beach investigate after a body was found near Avondale Drive; gunshots reported.
在Florida的Pompano海滩,在Avondale大道和西南第二街十字路口附近发现一具尸体后,正在对死亡进行调查。 A death investigation is underway in Pompano Beach, Florida, following the discovery of a body near the intersection of Avondale Drive and Southwest Second Street. 警方在发现一具尸体后午夜前后作出反应,据报听到几枪声,但当局尚未证实。 Police responded around midnight after a body was found, and several gunshots were reportedly heard, though this has not been confirmed by authorities. 随着调查的继续,受害人的身份和死亡原因不明。 The victim's identity and cause of death are unknown as the investigation continues.