巴基斯坦的通货膨胀率在11月达到7年的最低点,即4.9%,这激起了更多削减利率的希望。 Pakistan's inflation rate hit a seven-year low of 4.9% in November, prompting hopes for more interest rate cuts.
巴基斯坦的通货膨胀率在2024年11月下降到4.9%,与10月的7.2%相比大幅下降,是近七年来最低的。 Pakistan's inflation rate dropped to 4.9% in November 2024, a significant decline from 7.2% in October and the lowest in nearly seven years. 由于这一下降,巴基斯坦国家银行预期会进一步削减利率,以刺激经济。 This decrease has led to expectations of further interest rate cuts by the State Bank of Pakistan, aiming to boost the economy. 尽管总体价格下降,但一些食品的价格仍然上涨。 Despite the overall drop, prices for some food items have still risen. 中央银行将于12月16日审查政策利率。 The central bank is set to review policy rates on December 16.