巴基斯坦预测,11月通货膨胀率将降至5.8-6.8%,标志着经济显著复苏。 Pakistan forecasts inflation drop to 5.8-6.8% in November, marking a significant economic recovery.
巴基斯坦财政部预测,利率下降后,通货膨胀率在11月将降至5.8%至6.8%,在12月将降至5.6%至6.5%。 Pakistan's Ministry of Finance predicts inflation will drop to 5.8-6.8% in November and 5.6-6.5% in December, following a reduction in interest rates. 这比5月的近40%急剧下降。 This follows a sharp decline from nearly 40% in May. 报告还注意到农业和工业的积极趋势,出口和汇款有所增加。 The report also notes positive trends in agriculture and industry, with exports and remittances seeing increases. 经常账户预计保持盈余,有助于经济复苏。 The current account is projected to remain in surplus, aiding economic recovery.