巴基斯坦部长指控Imran Khan的政党以抗议扰乱伊斯兰堡的和平。 Pakistani minister accuses Imran Khan's party of disrupting peace in Islamabad with protests.
巴基斯坦部长指控Imran Khan的政党通过持续抗议扰乱伊斯兰堡的和平。 The Pakistani minister has accused Imran Khan's party of disrupting peace in Islamabad through ongoing protests. 指控发生在Khan的支持者持续示威中, 他们要求将现政府赶下台。 The allegations come amid continuing demonstrations by Khan's supporters, who are demanding the ouster of the current government. 部长声称,这些抗议活动正在首都造成重大动乱。 The minister asserts that these protests are causing significant disturbances in the capital.