北科罗拉多州的排球队在全国冠军赛中对阵阿巴拉契亚州立大学。 Northern Colorado's volleyball team faces Appalachian State in a national championship match.
北科罗拉多州的排球队将在全国排球邀请赛中对阵阿巴拉契亚州立大学。 Northern Colorado's volleyball team will face Appalachian State in the National Invitational Volleyball Championship. 这次比赛是两支队伍在国家舞台上展示其技能的一个重要机会。 The match is a significant opportunity for both teams to showcase their skills on a national stage. 公告中没有提供有关游戏时间和地点的细节。 Details on the game's timing and location were not provided in the announcement.