科罗拉多州立大学排球队在跨性别球员争议中晋级,在西部山区决赛中迎战圣何塞州立大学。 Colorado State's volleyball team advances to face San Jose State in Mountain West final amid transgender player controversy.
科罗拉多州立大学的排球队晋级西部山区决赛,他们将在决赛中与圣何塞州立大学争夺 NCAA 锦标赛的资格。 Colorado State's volleyball team advanced to the Mountain West final, where they will face San Jose State for an automatic NCAA Tournament bid. 这次比赛之后,几个小组抵制了圣何塞州对变性者参与的关切,圣何塞州因此获得6场胜利。 The matchup follows several teams boycotting San Jose State over concerns about a transgender player's participation, with San Jose State receiving six forfeit victories as a result. 科罗拉多州的教练Emily Kohan 表示,尽管存在争议,仍承诺参加比赛。 Colorado State's coach, Emily Kohan, expressed commitment to playing, despite the controversy.