爱尔兰警察逮捕了3名涉嫌帮派成员,没收了4部车辆和被盗物品。 Irish police arrested three suspected gang members and seized four vehicles and stolen goods.
爱尔兰警方逮捕了3名涉嫌为全国各地数百起犯罪负责的入室盗窃团伙成员。 Irish police have arrested three individuals suspected of being part of a burglary gang responsible for hundreds of crimes across the country. 这次行动导致没收了四辆高动力车辆,包括一辆宝马车,以及大量可疑被盗财产。 The operation led to the seizure of four high-powered vehicles, including a BMW, and a large amount of suspected stolen property. 这些逮捕行动是打击有组织犯罪和加强公共安全的持续努力的一部分。 The arrests are part of an ongoing effort to combat organized crime and enhance public safety.