印度国会议员发布通知,就Ajmer Sharif Dargah的历史主张和最近发生的宗教暴力事件进行辩论。 Indian MP issues notice to debate on historical claims of Ajmer Sharif Dargah and recent religious violence.
国会议员Imran Pratapgarhi在Rajya Sabha发出停业通知, 重点是质疑Ajmer Sharif Dargah的历史身份及北方邦最近发生的暴力事件。 Congress MP Imran Pratapgarhi has issued a notice in the Rajya Sabha to suspend business, focusing on a petition questioning the historical identity of Ajmer Sharif Dargah and recent violence in Uttar Pradesh's Sambal. 根据第267条规则发出的通知旨在就这些问题进行辩论。 The notice, given under Rule 267, aims to bring these issues to debate. 请愿书指出圣殿建在一座印度教寺庙之上, 引起对宗教紧张与暴力的担忧。 The petition suggests the shrine was built over a Hindu temple, raising concerns about religious tensions and violence.