国会竞相资助政府,解决债务上限问题,并在1月过渡前通过关键立法。 Congress races to fund the government, address debt ceiling, and pass key legislation before a January transition.
国会从休会回来, 处理政府经费问题, 避免在12月20日前关闭, 以及飓风后救灾。 Congress returns from recess to tackle government funding, avoiding a shutdown by Dec. 20, and disaster relief after hurricanes. 立法者还必须解决联邦债务上限问题并通过《国防授权法》。 Lawmakers must also address the federal debt ceiling and pass the National Defense Authorization Act. 众议院议长Mike Johnson 面临挑战 维持他的地位, 参议院共和党 正在会晤 特朗普选择的顶级角色。 House Speaker Mike Johnson faces challenges maintaining his position, and Senate Republicans are meeting with Trump's picks for top roles. 在新一届国会于1月份就职之前,这届会议至关重要。 The session is crucial before the new Congress takes office in January.