参议员Rick Scott敦促国会尽早重新召开会议,为海伦飓风救济提供紧急资金,造成100多人死亡和重大破坏。 Senator Rick Scott urges Congress to reconvene early for emergency funding for Hurricane Helene relief, causing over 100 deaths and significant destruction.
参议员Rick Scott敦促国会尽早重新开会, 讨论为海伦飓风救援提供紧急资金的问题, Senator Rick Scott is urging Congress to reconvene early to address emergency funding for Hurricane Helene relief, which has caused over 100 deaths and significant destruction across multiple states. 拜登总统正在考虑请国会休会后复会,以批准一项恢复工作补充支出法案。 President Biden is considering requesting Congress to return from recess to approve a supplemental spending bill for recovery efforts. 时机将取决于损害评估和联邦资金的提供情况,联邦紧急事务管理局已经调动资源援助受影响地区。 The timing will depend on damage assessments and federal funding availability, with FEMA already mobilizing resources to assist affected areas.