德克萨斯州中部的骑自行车者通过向贫困儿童和家庭送达数百件玩具来提升节日情绪. Bikers in Central Texas raise holiday spirits by delivering hundreds of toys to underprivileged kids and families.
数以百计的骑自行车者参加了在中得克萨斯州举行的第32届年度三州玩具赛跑,从坦普尔到兰帕萨斯。 Hundreds of bikers participated in the 32nd Annual Tri-County Toy Run in Central Texas, traveling from Temple to Lampasas. 骑士们支付了25美元或带了新的玩具参加这项活动,目的是向贫困儿童、军人家庭和退伍军人提供礼物。 Riders paid $25 or brought new toys to join the event, aimed at providing gifts to underprivileged children, military families, and veterans. 尽管由于施工,路线稍有改变,但这次活动成功地收集和分发了数百件玩具,给有需要的家庭带来了节日快乐。 Despite a slight change in route due to construction, the event successfully collected and distributed hundreds of toys, bringing holiday joy to families in need.